When we think about the physical signs of aging, more than likely it is our faces that first come to mind. However, there are two other areas of the body that often show the signs of aging earlier and more dramatically than the face. And these are the back of the hands and the neck area. Today we will discuss the neck.

The neck area is often the most neglected and yet is the first area to lose the youthful elasticity and firmness that characterizes a young neck. Unfortunately, nothing ages a face more than a sagging jaw line, double chin, jowls and loss of firmness in the neck area.

As we age, a number of factors contribute to the variety of degenerative changes that affect the neck. These include our accumulated exposure to the sun, the environment, hormonal changes, our diet, family history and weight gain and loss. Because the skin is thinner in the neck area, the contraction of the prominent neck muscle can result in vertical bands on the neck. The skin also loses its firmness, becoming slack, resulting in horizontal wrinkling.

Our jaw lines begin to lose its contour, jowls form and our chins begin to droop—not a pretty picture.

We used to think that only surgery could help but now there are powerful topical solutions that can provide very visible improvement in the entire area.

However, because aging in the neck area is very different, it requires specific targeted active ingredients if we are to make a visible difference. This means using products that are specifically formulated for this delicate, fragile area.

Increasing levels of the glycosaminoglycans in the skin will give a more youthful appearance by building the underlying matrix. It is the impairment of glycosaminoglycans synthesis that results in much of the functional alterations (i.e. damage and destruction) of aged skin, so visible in the neck area. Glycosaminoglycans are the precursors to collagen. Higher levels of glycosaminoglycans show evidence of new collagen production in the skin.

When it comes to diet, choose high quality protein and healthy fats. The skin that

overlies the major neck muscle, the platysma, has no oil glands and a great strategy is to nourish the skin from the inside out. Another important strategy is to incorporate a lot of raw foods into your daily diet. Choose organic, pesticide-free, non GMO fruits and vegetables. By not cooking them, all of the enzymes, vitamins and minerals are present and the skin on your face, neck and entire body, will enjoy a new healthy radiance and firmness. Above all, avoid a diet high in sugary, starchy foods as this will accelerate and worsen the situation.

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